Podcast: Managing your CSS
Each podcast looks at one area of web design, and lasts around 45 minutes.
Your host is Paul Boag. Paul is a founding partner of Headscape; publishes Boagworld.com, a blog for people who run web sites; and is the author of many articles on web design. He has has worked with clients including BP, The National Trust, and SITA.
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Now you can listen to the latest podcast from Practical Web Design magazine, or download them to your player of choice. If you’d like to subscribe to our podcast feed via iTunes, or your podcaster of choice, then simply CLICK HERE.
Issue 28 (1 of 2) (released 25/04/06)
Attracting people back to your site after their first visit is key to its success. In this podcast episode Paul looks at different techniques for encouraging users back on a regular basis.
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In the news segment of the podcast, Paul covers:
- Windows on the mac thanks to Boot camp
- The latest guide to good accessibility
- The CSS Get Naked Day!
Paul also introduces a great little tool for selecting colours as well as two superb new online web design resources:
- Vitamin
- Bite Size Standards
Finally Paul answers some user submitted questions relating to the use of frames and fixed position screen elements. For more information on fixed positioning elements read this great tutorial at sitepoint.com.
Issue 27 (2 of 2)
Paul introduces a new format to the Practical web design podcast. Not only will the show now air every other week but it will also be packed with news, reviews and answer to all your questions.
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In this show, Paul covers:
1. Microsoft’s new live clipboard functionality – link to demo, link to review
2. The top 10 web tips from web professionals
3. A review of the web developers extension for firefox
4. How to run multiple version of IE on a single windows machine – link to positionIsEverything article
We need you!
In order for the new style podcast to work, we need you to get involved. Let us have your recommendations for cool freeware, examples of outstanding web design and your questions for Paul. Send all your comments to [email protected]